YouTube Dubs

A personal project that is going to be built in 4 months for 3 university credit as part of my CS degree. The project must be released in April 2021

Project description :

Making it possible to view a youtube video with an approved dub in another language.

You put in a link and my web app will check if there is a crowdsourced dub for this video in ex.french. If not will ask the user if he wants to contribute a dub. Making it easy for people to consume foreign content without having to necessarly view the video itself (ex. Joe Rogan in french and so on.) Each dub must be approved by a certain amount of viewer to be proposed as the default dub for this language. User can decide to view the experimental dub in order to decide either to approve it or not.

Premium user can make requests on videos they would like a dub for. Their requests will be visible on the front page of the web app. Premium user are also able to download dubs of videos in mp3 or higher quality formats if available. People who make dubs have a profil with followers. The dubber is also allowed to receive tips (donation) from users or to accept a dub in exchange for a tip.

I need people for making dubs and generally using the platform when it's done.

People who are selected will receive a premium account they can use to test the platform and contribute dubs

I you're interested. Please email me at